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Presentation Folders
Presntation Folders Kenya

By Admin

15th feb, 2022

Presentation Folders Printing

Presentation Folders in Nairobi - As a company or organization, the best way to organize your loose papers and documents in meetings, presentations, conferences and trainings is to have branded presentation folders printed on a heavy paper stock with pockets strategically placed to easily help you arrange you documents.

Branding them will be an advantage because they will advance your brand and create a sense of professionalism.

The stress of a big meeting or presentation can be a burden on even the most organized of people and it can even be a nerve racking experience even for many.

>A branded presentation folder is the perfect way to aid your presentation and put your mind at ease by giving you and your audience instant access to organized and detailed information including your Company profile booklets, catalogs , brochure & flyers

Our presentation folders are made of a sheet of heavy paper stock which is folded half with pockets fully branded which nice finish either gloss or matter finish.

The folder can also act as a prompting tool or act as an aid for you as you run through the presentation or meeting, providing you with something tangible yet professional to hold, display and use. As with all marketing material, a presentation folder offers you the chance to create an impact.

Unlike banners or leaflets, a presentation folder has lots of space for information and this allows you that little bit more room to get creative.

If you’re looking to go that extra mile for those special clients, create a separate presentation folder with a small branded gift.

Using a Custom presentation folder is also a great opportunity to insert your Business Card into a carefully constructed pocket within the presentation folder.

This presents you personally within the presentation folder and allows your business associate or potential client to associate you with the relevant information.

Pocket Folders Nairobi:

  • Glued interlocking presentation folders printing with free dispatch and delivery
  • A4 presentation folders with pockets personalised with your logo.
  • Personlaised presentation folders available in a range of colors and sizes