By Admin
15th feb, 2022
Flip Charts Printing
Flip charts printing Nairobi Kenya. Order custom printed flip charts in Nairobi Kenya for all your presentations and meetings in Nairobi Kenya with a table top stand.
The stands are made of heavy car board material which offers a stable stand for the pages and the whole flip chart
We make them to be durable depending on the usage and handling which means they can be used again and again for a long period of time.
Our custom printed flip charts are printed on a hard stock paper (250 – 300 gsm) paper with gloss / matte finish and attached to the stand by a spiral at the top for easy flipping / turning of the papers.
Similar to desk calendars, flip charts present information to the audience by turning over one piece of paper at a time.
We have all sizes available and the necessary know how to make your display stands and presentation materials with the best quality for all your events in Kenya.
If you are organizing for training sessions in Kenya and you are looking for flip charts printing services from a reputable company, then you have got the perfect solution, itech designs ltd a printing and branding company in Nairobi Kenya, will offer you with exemplary flip chart printing services at a cost within your budget.
large flip charts for training:
- Large flip charts for trainings, presentations and meating at low costs.
- laminated flip charts with top spiral bindingvon top.
- free standing Table top flip charts for easy display.